About Our Dental Office Cherry Hill

Preserve Your Smile with Personalized Holistic Dentistry

At Kingston Family Cosmetic Dental Center, Dr. Kessy Lee and our team focus on preserving smiles, which is why we use the latest technology to provide minimally invasive treatments. In cases where tooth extractions, root canals, and other restorative treatments are necessary, you’ll be glad to know that we can complete all of these in-office, so you won’t have to worry about scheduling an appointment elsewhere. Learn more about what makes us so different below, and be sure to schedule your appointment by calling us today!


Holistic, Whole-Body Dentistry That Looks Beyond Patients’ Smiles

Dr. Lee has always taken a holistic approach to dentistry. This means that she considers her patients’ overall health and wellness when it comes to addressing dental concerns, allowing her to better understand why issues may be developing and treating the underlying causes.

Dental Sedation & Gentle, Comfortable Treatment

With a gentle touch and an emphasis on her patients’ comfort, Dr. Lee is able to create positive dental experiences for most of her patients. However, in cases where the fear or anxiety of visiting the dentist is too great to minimize with a friendly atmosphere, we also offer oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation.

Experienced Dentist with a Background in Oral Surgery

Dr. Lee completed a one-year general dental residency after graduating from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, where she trained under an oral surgeon and gained experience in a variety of surgical procedures, as well as treating TMJ disorder. She also has advanced surgical and dental implant experience, as she has completed a mini residency from Implant Educator and gained her certification through the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

Laser Dentistry Provides Improved Results & Shorter Recoveries

Dr. Lee wholeheartedly believes in laser dentistry being the key to offering her patients smoother recoveries, more comfortable treatment, and precise, reliable results. That’s why she offers a variety of laser-based services that are minimally invasive, including SmoothLase, NightLase, and LipLase, as well as laser periodontal therapy, and more.

Comprehensive Dental Care for Adults & Children

Whether you’re looking for a holistic dentist in Cherry Hill for yourself or the rest of your family, including your children, our team regularly treats patients of all ages! We offer a variety of kid-friendly services, accept dental emergencies, and offer virtually all of the treatments you would need under one convenient roof.